Friday, July 16, 2010

As the World Turns

Hey everyone,

Can't believe its already mid-July! It already the beginning of the new Rotary year, installations of a new committees and the induction of new members have been underway.

My Rotaract Club, the Rotaract Club of Montego bay, like every other hosted an Installation and Induction ceremony. The event was exciting but was big reminder that I would be off to Leeds in a few weeks. I wouldn't be around to participate in projects with familiar people in my club or make jokes with now, life- long friends. I feel like a pioneer as I will be able to take all the things that I have learnt, to make a difference in another part of the world while championing the motto "Service above Self". Yep, I guess it sounds like somewhat of a super hero... luckily I like super heroes :)

Smiles all around- existing and newly inducted rotaracters at the Rotaract Club of Montego Bay's Induction and Installation Ceremony

Newly inducted members of the Rotary Club of Montego Bay pose with President Leon (extreme left) and Former Vice President Nancy (extreme right in front row)

Will keep you posted!
One Love,

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rotary Scholar's Seminar- Tampa

Hello Again,

The Rotary Scholar's Seminar was the best!
It allowed me an opportunity to meet many like minded individuals. I felt honored to be apart of a group of wonderful individuals that altruistically wanted to make the world a better place.
Gone was the feelings of trepidation that I would not fit in. It seems unreal but I am convinced that I have met lifelong friends.

The seminar placed many things in perspective about my role as a Ambassadorial scholar within the Rotary family. The experiences of past scholars strengthened me in my resolve to enjoy this scholarship experience completely while facilitating international understanding and goodwill.

A big thank you to the Rotary Club of Montego Bay for making my attendance at to this seminar possible.


Hello World!

Hello Everyone,

My name is Shaniek Parks and I am proud to be the 2010-2011 Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar representing District 7020. I am extremely excited about the adventures that are before me and as they unfold, you will be by my side to experience them with me. I wont make grandiose promises that I will update this blog daily but on a weekly or fortnightly basis you will be made aware of whatever is happening.

Peace and Love,