Saturday, August 28, 2010

England in two weeks!

Hey everyone,

I must agree that I have been silent for the last month. I must apologize as I went against my word that i would update my blog every two weeks. However, within the interim that I was silent many things happened namely:
1. I finally received my UK Student Visa
2. I have sent in all my required pre- departure documents to Rotary International
3. I have booked my flight to leave Jamaica on Saturday, September 11th

I cant wait to begin my new journey! My sponsor counselor, Mr. Chuganey, tells me that it will be a defining period of my life. I hope that the experience will allow me the opportunity to further Rotary's mission for International Understanding and Goodwill, learn about a new country and even get to learn more about myself. I am dancing with glee!

Live, Love, Laugh